Blueskyers made to do weekly homework
Homework? That sounds a bit rough doesn’t it? When our dedicated blueskyers work flat out all day in the office are we expecting them all to take it home with them too? Well, sort of but not in quite the way you’re thinking.
news / Oct 12
As this year’s ‘another good reason to work at bluesky’ a weekly ‘homework’ day is being offered to all staff. It’s a chance for everyone to grab a slither of the week as personal thinking space; to work as they choose – in their pyjamas, in the garden – you get the idea. Those with longer journeys can get a lie-in, save four days worth of fuel every month (that’s almost 100 trips to and from work per year!) and in turn do a little bit to help our environment too.
In the modern world of remote-access to servers and the likes of Skype, there really isn’t any reason why companies can’t be more flexible in the way they work.
Donna Brown, co-founder @ bluesky thinks the new scheme will work well, as psychologically everyone will feel they’re only at work for four days of the week and at home for three.
“If our lifestyle is more balanced it makes us happier and more positive; which in turn reflects in our work and creativity. I’m convinced energy levels and productivity will be higher as a result. Many published reports have proved this concept works”.
Other popular ‘good reasons to work at bluesky’ include ‘have it off on your birthday’ giving everyone an extra day’s holiday on their birthday and ‘lazy hour’ – ideal for things like appointments you just can’t get out of work hours. We try to add a bit of bluesky thinking to the way we demonstrate how much we value and appreciate the team – not everyone is motivated by the same methods – and we are a creative company after all!
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